Testing, testing.1, 2, 3....................

Ehem, ehem.

Assalamualaikum and welcome to my blog.

As obvious as it may seems, I'm just a mere newbie and thus, any kind of comments and advices are greatly welcomed :))


Video Kami :)

Friday 2 December 2011

Program 8Sekawan! :)

On 2nd of December, a program called Program 8 Sekawan was held in UTM. It's only compulsory to all the first years and thus, all first years from many other colleges assembled in the new UTM Stadium.

This event were held so that we'll know who our neighbours are, to get to know one another better.

It was a very grand event. i should say, at first it was quite boring because we had to listen to talks (it's normal for youngsters to get bored listening to speeches -_-). But it soon gets interesting when the activities began.

The activities that were done required 8 people in a group. the MC will give instructions and all of us were to follow the instructions. Though the activities are somewhat funny, it's entertaining.

The event really sparks out when drops of rains started pouring down. some ran to shelter. But most, stayed out in the rain and continued with the activity.

Most, but not all, really had fun to the fullest when the rain poured down. Silly acts could be seen anywhere. It's obvious enough that this program is a success as it manages to let us release out tension. 

Us 4 Sekawan Before Program 8 Sekawan :)

Kami 2 Sekawan :)

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Points to ponder for photoshop beginners :)

Today, I felt like giving some tutorial. Since, i'm not much of a talented person, I'll only tutor some things on photoshop :)

okay, so, I'm using photoshop cs5 and since i'm just a mere beginner too, I'll teach the things that I wouldn't know if i'm a newbie -_-

Click on 'File' >> 'New'. And then a box will pop out.

It's up to you really to choose the size that you want. but the background, make it transparent. if you don't want to, that's okay. up to you, really.

Okay, now, click on the paintbucket tool and choose the colour that you want.

For all the tools, there're still more tools but to discover them, you have to press left-click longer and then it'll appear. for example, if you click long on the paintbucket tool, you'll find a gradient tool.

Lets say I choose the colour black. Then I use a new layer (just click at new layer option)and use a brush tool to put pink spots on it.

okay, now I go to 'Filter' >> 'Render' >> 'Cloud'.

.Now, if you're not satisfied with this, 

See the word 'normal'? click the arrow pointing downwards using your mouse. you'll get a different affect. But make sure, when you're doing this, the layer is on the layer 2. not background layer. If you put the layer in background layer, no effect will come out i assure you. I will show you some of my works using different backgrounds. This technique can also be used using backgrounds of different textures.

That's all for now ^^

Thursday 10 November 2011


When Mr. Fahim first taught us Photoshop cs2, that was the day i fell in love with a tool named adobe Photoshop. i've always wanted to learn adobe Photoshop but i didn't have any basic nor did i have any motivation back then. tehee.

i still remembered the first picture i edited. that was way back when i was still in matriculation. owh, and that time, i was only taught on how to use GIMP.

ah~ good old days :)

As far as I remember, this is the ONLY picture that I'd edited with 'real' people in it. Others are mostly animation. lol.

So, anyway, back to Mr. Fahim, right after his class, I quickly opened up my Photoshop. The good news here is, my Photoshop is cs5 :) but the bad news here is, it's only trial :( my sis taught me that, I should use a crack or something but I'll try that later.

Again, back to my main story, after lotsa referring to websites and youtubes regarding cs5, I finally created my very own first masterpiece!


Yes, I drew those. Actually, those are two single drawings.

See? I drew those before I was a University student. Owh yeah, I reaally wanted to become a mangaka. but nah, it's impossible. lol.

So, there you go! my first masterpiece. later on, I tried altering my present drawings. this is my second attempt.

I drew and coloured this one using colour pencil. But since, well, yeah, you know how colour pencil can be at times right? kinda blurry and not that clear. so I enhance the colours using photoshop.

That's all for now for my FIRST TIME PHOTOSHOPING.  

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Interesting Assignments :)

So, we were given the assignment to create our very own blog.

This assignment might sound thrilling to some(bloggers especially), but not to others(non-bloggers).
But I should say, this is a new experience.
And these are the things that made learning fun :)
We were told to create a blog which portrays how fun learning can be.
Hard as it may seems, when it comes to the subject "Technology and information system", learning really is fun!

Why? because we were given assignments like this and also making our very own movie!

The video of our movie is posted in this blog. Please watch when you have the time to :)

We edited our video using Camtasia 7.0 studio and since we didn't have any video catching tool (i really meant Camera), we had to use our very own laptop's youcam -_-

That really was a funny learning experience :)

Monday 31 October 2011

First step in UTM

Assalamualaikum sekalian Alam.

I'm just your average student from Selangor Matriculation College. Right after graduating from matriculation, I applied for the course "Software Engineering" in University Teknologi Malaysia,UTM.
Though this is actually my forth choice, i'm still very grateful as UTM is a well known University :)

When I took my first step to the world of University life, i was so reluctant to enter here (I enjoyed the relaxing life at home -_-). And I have to say, I didn't really enjoy the orientation day all that well. But i assure you, it's better than orientation in matriculation :p we had it rough back then.

 Though, I have to say that life just keeps getting better. Since our roomates are also our classmates, it makes life a whole lot easier!

 Our lecturers are all nice people too. They're full of patience.

Even the place is nice :) though it's nothing like I expected it to be (truthfully, i expected it to be a bit...grander..) but this is okay too.

The one thing that I'm sure will bound to happen is the fact that I will soon lose some weight. because without a doubt, this place is huge! Imagine us walking everyday from our faculty to our hostels. But there's a special bus every hours. If you missed it, you either walk or wait.

It's sad that we first years aren't allowed to bring our own vehicles :( then again, I don't have my license yet, so no biggie.
So, that's all I can say briefly about UTM :)