Testing, testing.1, 2, 3....................

Ehem, ehem.

Assalamualaikum and welcome to my blog.

As obvious as it may seems, I'm just a mere newbie and thus, any kind of comments and advices are greatly welcomed :))


Video Kami :)

Monday, 31 October 2011

First step in UTM

Assalamualaikum sekalian Alam.

I'm just your average student from Selangor Matriculation College. Right after graduating from matriculation, I applied for the course "Software Engineering" in University Teknologi Malaysia,UTM.
Though this is actually my forth choice, i'm still very grateful as UTM is a well known University :)

When I took my first step to the world of University life, i was so reluctant to enter here (I enjoyed the relaxing life at home -_-). And I have to say, I didn't really enjoy the orientation day all that well. But i assure you, it's better than orientation in matriculation :p we had it rough back then.

 Though, I have to say that life just keeps getting better. Since our roomates are also our classmates, it makes life a whole lot easier!

 Our lecturers are all nice people too. They're full of patience.

Even the place is nice :) though it's nothing like I expected it to be (truthfully, i expected it to be a bit...grander..) but this is okay too.

The one thing that I'm sure will bound to happen is the fact that I will soon lose some weight. because without a doubt, this place is huge! Imagine us walking everyday from our faculty to our hostels. But there's a special bus every hours. If you missed it, you either walk or wait.

It's sad that we first years aren't allowed to bring our own vehicles :( then again, I don't have my license yet, so no biggie.
So, that's all I can say briefly about UTM :)